Saturday, March 8, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions

My first blog about my upcoming journey to Italy is going to be FAQ themed. In the past 3 months, I have been getting so many questions from everyone interested in this opportunity for me. I am happy that I have family and friends that care so much... however everybody cares about the exact same things- which requires me to answer the same questions over and over again. So I will try to answer these FAQs to the best of my knowledge, although I do not have as much information as I will have once I actually arrive. I intend to blog often with updates so if you want email notifications, sign up using the box on the right. (This may not show up if you are on your phone. You may need to use a computer if you want to subscribe.)

How did you get this opportunity?
In November, I was finishing up my last semester of college when I got a phone call from one of my old Ohio coaches of 3 years, Sharonda McDonald. She asked what I was up to and if I was interested in playing softball professionally in Italy. McD played for this same Forli Softball Club back in 2009 and they were in need of a catcher for this upcoming season. After hearing about McD's great experience and discussing this with some of my closest friends and family, I committed to the team. Although I hadn't played softball since May, I had a few months to get back into softball shape. This is a perfect time in my life to do something like this-- I just graduated in December and now I don't have to look for a real job or enter the real world yet!

When do you leave/return?
I leave San Diego on Wednesday, March 12 at eleven am and land in Bologna on Thursday, March 13 at noon. My layovers are in Chicago and Munich. 

I do not know exactly when I will be returning. The season goes through June and depending how the team does, there are playoffs and additional tournaments. So I could be there through the majority of summer.

Where in Italy?
south of Venice, east of Florence, nearest big cities are San Marino and Bologna

What is the time difference?
9 hours ahead of Pacific Time
6 hours ahead of Eastern Time

However, Daylight Savings Time takes place two weeks later in Italy, so for the first few weeks the time difference will be one hour less. 

How can I communicate with you?
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat (LaurenGel_25)


Viber: This is a free messaging app that lets me text and call for free without the need of an international data plan.

Skype: lauren.gellerman

I am planning on getting a prepaid cell phone from Italy when I get there so that I can communicate with my teammates and coaches.

Do you get paid?
Yes! I get a salary each month, my flights are paid for, and I get a shared apartment and shared car with other girls on the team. Everything included except for food and fun!

What are your living arrangements?
I am sharing an apartment with 4 or 5 other girls on the team. From what I understand, dorm style. 

What's your game schedule?
From March through June: double headers every Saturday.

Home Games in bold and red
Week 1: April 5
Parma- Forlì

Week 2: April 12
Forlì- Caserta

Week 3: April 19
Bussolengo- Forlì

Week 4: April 26
Unione Fermana- Forlì
Week 1: May 3
Forlì- Collecchio

Week 2: May 10
Forlì- Parma

Week 3: May 17
Caserta- Forlì

Week 4: May 24
Forlì- Bussolengo

Week 1: June 7
Forlì- Unione Fermana

Week 2: June 14
Collecchio- Forlì

Italian Cup
Playoff Semis
Coppa Cup
Playoff Final
June 28
July 19-22
Aug 2-3
Sept 1-6
Sept 13
July 12

Sept 21-22
July 19

How can I get softball updates?
As of now, I do not know of any GameTracker or video feeds. But I hope to learn of some soon. 

Here are some links to various sites. Beware: they are all in Italian. Look for the translations in your browser. (Some sites may have a British flag for an English translation.)
Will you have free time to travel?
Yes! I do not know the practice schedule or any other details-- but there will definitely be time for me to travel and experience the often-talked-about European train system. 

Are you the only American on the team?
In this Italian professional league, each team is allowed two foreigners. In a recent press release about the upcoming season, our team manager made a comment that there are two foreigners but failed to expand any further due to superstitions. So we will see when I get there!

Are you learning Italian?
Yes! Rosetta Stone. I am two sections through Level 1 (I have Levels 1 and 2). I know how to say not so useful phrases like, "The woman eats the apple." But I am getting into more conversational sections now. However, one that I recently learned and I know I will use frequently is, "Io ho fame." .... I am hungry.

What is the weather?
Currently the weather has been consistently around 55 degrees during the day with some rain. I will be there throughout spring and summer, so it will be significantly warmer. Forli has a warm humid temperature with hot summers and no dry seasons.

What are you packing?
A little bit of everything. Some jeans, tank tops, dresses, jackets, rain coat,...etc. As for softball equipment, they provide bats, uniforms, and my catchers gear. I just have to bring my glove, cleats, and running shoes.

Do you like Italian food?
I can't wait to try authentic pizza and pasta and especially gelato!! Maybe while I am there I will acquire a taste for wine and coffee...

Are your parents coming to visit?
Of course my parents couldn't pass up an excuse to visit Italy again (especially after they couldn't visit Rome due to weather when they were there 5 years ago). And they get to watch me play softball -- their flights are booked for May 8 - May 18. Flying into Venice and flying out of Rome.


  1. Great blog. Very informative. Love the maps/charts.

  2. Great job Lauren. I love that you included the map for the geographically challenged - myself included. I also love that you have learned to say "The woman eats the apple" - you made me LOL. Have a great trip, enjoy the softball, travelling, the culture, and the food. Keep up the good work on the blog - I am looking forward to following your adventure!

  3. Very good post Lauren with details about different things such as travelling, packing, weather and the map image really helped. Great! Manchester airport cheap parking
