Monday, April 14, 2014

First Italian Beach

Today I went to the Adriaco Sea in Cervia, Italy with Elda!

Cervia is about 30 minutes away from Forli and just one of the many beach cities nearby. Oh, and it's pronounced CHervia.

Before we went to the beach, we stopped by Elda's apartment because she forgot something which turned out to be a great detour... her boyfriend made HOMEMADE GELATO!! He made chocolate and chocolate chip so I got to try both of those. The chocolate chip (stracciatella) may be the tastiest gelato I've had since I've been here! I also found out that Elda and her boyfriend say "gelato" with my American accent ever since they heard me say it a few weeks ago. I didn't realize I said gelato incorrectly but apparently I say it "gelado" (with a D) instead of "gelato" (with a T). 

Elda has been telling me that I need a change purse because that's what everyone has here. I've been meaning to get one but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Today Elda told me that her mom (and her grandmother helped as well) makes crafts like that and she made me one! I love it and it is more useful here in Italy because 1 and 2 euros are in coins, so it makes it easy to hold this money for quick gelato runs.

As for the actual beach... it wasn't too different than any other beach I've been to. Except Elda kept correcting me when I called the water the ocean. It is a sea. The Adriaco Sea. The beach was pretty empty because it is April and there were workers who seemed to be getting the beach ready for the summer. They were setting up rows and rows of placers to put umbrellas. I guess the beaches here are free if you want to just walk around... but if you want to have an umbrella you have to pay anywhere from 20 to 60 euros. The sand was exceptionally soft when we first started walking around, but as we got closer to the water there were lots of little shells and some poor dead crabs (which looked "artsy" with the shells). There were also some beach volleyball nets which Elda said we could go with her boyfriend and some of his baseball teammates and play over the summer!

Even though I am in Italy, I obviously still have time to go on Pinterest. This is something I found on Pinterest that I want to do! It is a way to remember vacation spots you visit by taking sand from those places and putting it in a decorative container and labeling the location and dates. So I got my first sand from this beach today for my collection!
Photo from Pinterest (aka my Pinspiration)
Today was a fun day with Elda and seeing a beach to remind me a little bit of home in San Diego. 


1 comment:

  1. I love to stay and spent time on beach especially collecting sea shells is very interesting out there. airport parking manchester
